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Digital Twins for businesses.

Digital twins

Boost growth with digital twins that provide real-time monitoring and predictions for effective and seamless management.

How to use data anonymization to be GDPR compliant

data anonymization

The value of big data is as great as the challenge to harness it: how to make all the human potential that lies in data work for progress, without harming the people and stories behind it? Anonymization and pseudonymization of data are two privacy-engineering techniques that can solve this question. Because data is the new […]

Intelligent Data Lake: data-based strategic decisions

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Energy, technology, finance… These are just some of the industries that are already making business decisions with a new, more efficient, and fluid data analysis model, based on Artificial Intelligence (AI): the intelligent data lake. Why this new data analysis model? Most companies understand the need to apply AI to the data they already produce […]

World’s first multilingual dictionary of big data terminology launched

dictionary of big data

It aims to provide a standard terminology to facilitate collaboration and understanding in Big Data With 20 volumes, Big Data Terminology is the first multilingual dictionary of Big Data terms and jargon, conducted by the Big Data Strategy Key Lab in China. It is the world’s first professional reference work and aims to “provide a […]

WordPress turns 18

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WordPress, today’s most widely used CMS, is now 18 years old On 27 May 2003, Matt Mullenweg released the first version (0.70) of WordPress. WordPress is a CMS, Content Management System, initially focused on blogging but which has become the main tool to create websites. Today, WordPress is the the world’s most popular website builder. […]

Key features of Snowflake according to its users


Snowflake excels in performance, time-to-market and quality of support service We uncover the strengths and areas for improvement of Snowflake, the data cloud platform, according to the second edition of BARC’s annual Data Management Survey 20. This survey analyses market trends and makes meaningful comparisons of competing products based on a wide range of critical […]

What is an Intelligent Data Lake? It Is Not Data Warehouse!

Intelligent Data Lake 1

Harnessing the power of data Data has become a core part of business, providing the ability to analyse the past, to gain new insights, but also to predict and plan for the future. AI-based Big Data and Analytics technologies enable you to apply the full power of the cloud to erase data silos, extract business […]

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