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Artificial Intelligence trends you can’t miss

tendencias en inteligencia artificial

Artificial intelligence trends that you cannot miss A large number of companies are increasingly betting on Artificial Intelligence. With AI they can improve their processes and manage customer service in a more efficient way, just like there are many investigations underway where AI is the main topic, with the aim of improving aspects of our […]

Microsoft, leader in Predictive Analytics & Machine Learning in The Forrester Wave

In the recent “The Forrester Wave™: Notebook-Based Predictive Analytics And Machine Learning, Q3 2020” Microsoft is named leader. In this study, Forrester analyses the 12 most relevant PAML (predictive analytics and machine learning) solution providers – Amazon Web Services, Anaconda, Civis Analytics, Cloudera, Databricks, Domino Data Lab, Google, MathWorks, Microsoft, OpenText, Oracle, and RStudio – […]

Artificial Intelligence, key for companies in the new normality

Artificial Intelligence, key for companies in the new normality Spain is alreadly reopening almost its activities. However, in the “new normality” it will be far from the normality we knew until now: there will no longer be mass meetings, entertainment venues, shows, etc. Health prevention will be the new norm. However, everything will depend on […]

Artificial intelligence for social distancing

Distanciamiento social

Video surveillance to control the capacity in public places, beaches divided by age groups, temperature taking at the entrance of certain enclosures, mandatory mask if we can not respect the safety distance, personal space in public spaces … are just some of the measures that we must get used to for a good season in […]

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