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Efficient teleworking: tips, safety measures and good practices

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Efficient teleworking: tips, safety measures and good practices

The truth is that before the coronavirus pandemic (or COVID-19), many companies were not used to having their employees telework. According to the National Institute of Statistics, only 7% of workers had the option of teleworking (a figure far below the average in neighbouring countries of around 15%). That’s why in OpenSistemas we didn’t want to miss the opportunity to offer the basic advice that we have been applying for years in our company to make teleworking a very efficient and productive option.

For most companies, teleworking is proving to be a challenge, so it’s essential that you follow these tips to help protect your company’s data as well as your own and at OpenSistemas we know this, as it is part of our remote work culture.

Key tips for working from home

During this pandemic, the Guardia Civil itself (thanks to its computer crime group), has shared basic information to carry out teleworking without risk. His main recommendations have been:

  • Keep the equipment we use and the software up to date.
  • Always have both the antivirus and the firewall active.
  • Log off after finishing work.

Undoubtedly, this is key information for workers, but we from OpenSistemas, also want to talk about the importance of having a cloud-based solution, and also having solutions in the company based on local systems (ie, what is called on-premise installations). It never hurts to have a document that establishes the protocol to follow during the teleworking days and that can solve all the doubts of the worker.

However, there are more recommendations you can follow:

1. The work computer , it’s not a personal computer

It is important to differentiate the equipment used for the professional environment from that used in the personal environment. When we work on a company owned computer, it will be imperative that we shut down all the professional applications we are using, including the VPN. This way, you’ll be protecting the corporate information you work with.

2. Use a private network

The truth is, it is not the same to use a public network to write a word document, than to connect remotely to the company’s environment. However, in all circumstances it is advisable to avoid the use of public networks, as these involve significant safety leaks.

3. Beware of phishing!

The truth is that you always have to keep your eyes wide open with phishing (and when we talk about the work environment even more so). If you’re receiving a suspicious email, don’t hesitate to check it with the IT security department. And of course, this warning also applies outside the working environment.

4. Use secure passwords

Try to use passwords with a high degree of security. The best way is to combine characters, with numbers (avoiding always associating them with personal information). However, we are sure that your company will have a protocol in place for corporate passwords.

In the end, all the measures we recommend are part of responsible network use, whether you are working from the office or teleworking, but that does not mean you should let your guard down.

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