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TV audiences: Network planning to optimise service quality according to audience

Network planning
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Analysing consumer behavior to provide a better service

In any product or service, one of the most important parts is to measure results. It is specially important that our product is reaching the type of audience we want it to reach. In the case of TV, we can measure audiences and how they are segmented for each channel at any given time.

Performing this measurement is a very important aspect when employing marketing strategies since if a medium does not have an audience or the audience is not our target audience we will be wasting resources. Not only do we have to take into account the amount of audience, but also qualitative aspects such as age or economic level that will allow us to position ourselves. For all these reasons, it is essential to know the audience of each medium in order to adapt the strategies as good as possible.

How has TV consumption changed?

The consumption habits of television, video and online media are constantly changing. TV audiences are measured across a variety of platforms and devices, helping media to establish their programming and advertising space, as well as advertising agencies to plan their campaigns.

Recently, the concept of television has expanded, now it is a combination of audiovisual experiences offered through different devices, with new features such as on-demand viewing, in addition to being able to offer programming according to time, place and audience demand.

One of the biggest revolutions in this area has been content on demand services, such as Netflix, HBO or Prime video. These platforms  have their own methods of measuring audiences, which is fed by the content consumed by the different profiles within the same account, and go further, offering personalised recommendations to each user based on this data, with recommendation models based on Artificial Intelligence.

As a result of these changes, the ways of measuring the audience have evolved incorporating various technological advances, such as the capture and management of representative panels of the population and the integration of complex data.

Advantages of TV consumption measurement

Making an accurate, independent and reliable measurement is not easy, but provides multiple benefits to the industry if done correctly:

  • TV stations can monitor their investments based on content and airtime, which helps them make better decisions about their programming to maximize their revenues.
  • Advertisers and communication agencies can make more optimised investments and set measurement standards for different platforms.
  • The industry provides credibility for the advertising market, guaranteeing  that their campaigns will reach the audience they want.
  • Companies that own pay-TV channels have reliable data analysis with which they can make better decisions.

The solution with network planning

  • Advanced statistical modelling and machine learning techniques to segment TV audience and optimise service quality.
  • Recommendation system based on the analysis and processing of the user’s data history (contents) to predict which product may be interesting for the user.

Optimised audience segmentation provides a holistic understanding of audience preferences and behaviours that define the user base of a given audiovisual content.

It is possible to detect such patterns by searching for motifs on the behavioural graph.

We can define a certain catalogue of audiovisual content based on the recommendation algorithm. 

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