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The challenges of globalization that OpenSistemas is facing today

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On April 6, we participated in the Industry and Internationalization Forum, organized by the Chamber of Madrid, in which Pamela Castro, Strategic Planning Office Director, shared the experience of OpenSistemas on this journey towards globalization in which we have been immersed since in 2019. In this journey, the company has gone in 2 and a half years from being a company with 100 employees and offices only in Spain, to being a global company with expectations of reaching 300 workers and with a presence in more than 6 countries (Spain, Colombia, Ireland, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay and Mexico).

During the presentation, Pamela addressed the great challenges that a company faces when it decided to expand internationally, such as the challenges associated with relocation and remote work, and which cut across all areas; those related to the recruitment and management of highly qualified and multicultural talent; and those associated with the legal and financial sphere of each country.

At OpenSistemas, we have addressed these challenges by relying on some key tools at the organizational level, such as the 20-25 Strategic Plan, from which specific strategic objectives and actions are obtained for all areas; the implementation of processes, ERP and continuous improvement approach, which has led to a comprehensive improvement at all levels, making it possible for our teams to work remotely and off-site; the implementation of a management system by objectives, OKR Objectives and Key results; and work to be a distributed, global and decentralized company.

Therefore, the three key parts of our internationalization process have been based on defining a key moment to start (COVID), establishing a 5-year plan in several stages and equipping ourselves with tools that support this process.

Likewise, in each iteration in each country, we have carried out similar work in terms of analysis for internationalization (socioeconomic, legal, financial and benchmarking) in the candidate countries to have a presence; the search for local partners to support us in the incorporation process; the formation of a minimum local team in each country (which starts with the members of human resources to facilitate hiring in that country); and the commercial work of prospecting clients, which has been launched in parallel to stages 1 and 2. We leave you the complete intervention of Pamela Castro in the forum, with all the keys.

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