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OpenSistemas, member of the United Nations Global Compact

United Nations Global Compact
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Contribute to create a sustainable future and seek a balance between environment, society and economic growth

OpenSistemas and its new brand neuroons have becomes a Signatory member of the United Nations Global Compact, thus becoming part of a global network of more than 10,000 companies and 3,000 participants from all over the world that are committed to building a sustainable future. Through this adhesion, the Spanish technology company joins the United Nations purpose of uniting businesses (#UnitingBusiness) for a better world.

United Nations Global Compact, the United Nations Global Compact, is a United Nations initiative to encourage companies around the world to adopt sustainable and responsible policies. This year they are celebrating 20 years of encouraging companies from all sectors to join together to collaborate for a better future.

Two decades ago, a group of UN business leaders proposed a visionary idea: to bring business and the United Nations together to humanize the global business marketplace. The project was launched in 2000 by former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, with the aim of defending the universal principles of human rights: labor, environment and the fight against corruption.

“From OpenSistemas we join this Pact in order to help them achieve the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030. In our organization we have always been committed to the creation of a sustainable future, as reflected in this adhesion pact, where we also demonstrate that we meet all the requirements to be part of the United Nations Pact”, highlights Luis Flores, CEO of OpenSistemas.

In order to create a sustainable society model, it is necessary to include companies, since they are the ones that respond to the needs of humanity and to the improvement of social projects. OpenSistemas is aware of this, respects the principles of the Global Compact, as verified through a detailed analysis of the company’s policies, and supports and encourages voluntary action to make a positive contribution towards the fulfillment and protection of all these rights.

In this sense, “for OpenSistemas, the commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 agenda is of vital importance” -adds the CEO of the company-. That is why we are in favor of supporting all the goals, decided by world leaders, that are related to the company’s activity both externally and internally, embracing a project of progress in terms of human rights, labor, environment and corruption in the long term”.

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