We all know success stories of technology projects in other companies. We usually see the results, the KPIs, the business objectives achieved, the savings…
And we want it for ourselves, of course.
What happens is that when we want to get to it and we realize what the process to achieve it looks like…
With bitterness, we discover that contracting technology is (and will be) quite a task.
So after working with dozens of clients, projects, and sectors, at OpenSistemas we have a lot of experience in what usually goes wrong when starting an IT project.
And we’ll do everything we can to save you the trouble.

After reading this eBook you will have learned:
- Is it better to outsource or develop in-house?
- 6 things you can do to ensure the success of your technology project
- How to tell a good tech company apart?
- Where to find technology providers
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